I got an interesting assignment from my english professor and it inspired me to get a blog and share with you. He gave us each a two worded personification and it was our job to elaborate on it any way we want. So I was allocated the personification of Hope Vibrates (hints where the title of my blog came from).
So after staring at my blank screen for awhile trying to come up with creative things to write, I soon realized this was going to be a tough assignment. How do I even begin to describe what Hope Vibrates is, and how does Hope Vibrate? I began by looking up both of them in the dictionary...
Hope (noun): the feeling of what is wanted can be had or that the events will turn out for the best.
Vibrates (verb): to move back and forth or to and fro, especially rhythmically and rapidly.
After reading these, and knowing my english teacher is completely liberal and atheist I had two options. 1. Write like I had all year, which is to his liking or 2. Write from my heart. Well I chose option 2. with much influence coming from the fact that I already have an A and this wasn't worth many points. So this is my take on the personification Hope Vibrates.
When the world is given to you, it is easy to take grasp of it firmly and continue to drive on its path. In fact, it is exactly what the world wants you to do, continue to take what it gives and listen to what it says. With this comes the interesting argument of what lasts beyond this world, what is the point of living in this earth if nothing comes after it? For now, the human society is focused on achievement in this lifetime. Yet over a year ago I finally found the secret to getting through the demands of this existence. We are surrounded by expectations that demand a lot of focus and effort. Yet in the down time of pursuing these fulfillment's, we grow to find escapes in certain things. Whether it be cheering on a sports team, partaking in a hobby or listening to music, it's something we choose to do. We find a passion, and in this passion we exert a will of hope. We hope our team wins the game this coming weekend, we hope the cap we knitted fits our friend, we hope the new album our favorite artist is putting out is better than the last. Optimistically, we as a society hope and in all of this, I hope. However the hope I hold is filled with something different than that of the world. My hope vibrates.
It has been a little over a year since I personally dedicated myself to God and accepted him as my Savior. It was then that I decided to put my hope in the eternal not of the temporary things this world holds. However the last three months, to say the least, temporary is all I've driven my focus to. Away from the right road and crossing to the drive on the wrong path, I've experienced quite a few interesting things. College, has not been what I hoped it would be, I have not met the kind of people I hoped to meet, I've done things I hoped I wouldn't do, I've not done as well in classes that I hoped to ace, and I realized that what I hoped I would be doing for the rest of my life, is just not suited for me anymore. All this hope began with big dreams and lots of ambitions and ended with all my visions being shaken up. So here I am at the end of semester, somewhat lost with where this world is leading me, but that's perfectly fine. God allowed my hope to vibrate, but he knew that all vibrations don't last forever and only he does.
Finally my consciousness has caught up to me and letting go of this firm grip I had on the world now seems okay. I had lost sight of the biggest hope of all and that is my hope and faith in Gods abilities. So now it's time for me to stop deciding what I am going to do with my life, but leave it up to him. The hope I once held before college may have wavered, it definitely had it's up and downs and I absolutely changed the direction of my hope during this short period, but through it all I realized that my hope just vibrated. It went to a fro different things, got rocked around but now it's finally back to where it once began. My hope still vibrates as I lift my eyes to above and seek out what He has planned for me but now I know this hope is directed correctly. I may have not had the great experiences I wished for so far, and although I may have gotten off track on my walk with God while at college, I learned that hope can vibrate, and it vibrates a lot. But in the end, hope is like a habit, and very difficult to break.